Approval Date: November 19, 2019
The Logan City Board of Education is responsible for ensuring that every effort is made to conserve natural resources, and energy, while ensuring a school environment conducive to optimal learning and exercising sound financial management.
The implementation and success of this policy is the responsibility of board members, administrators, teachers, students, and support personnel, and requires cooperation at all levels.
No references to state law or Utah State Board of Education rules.
All district personnel are expected to contribute to energy efficiency in the District. Every person is expected to conserve energy and resources.
The principal is accountable for campus energy management, including conducting energy audits and updating conservation program outlines.
The principal and head custodian are jointly responsible for the judicious use of energy systems of each school and to ensure that an efficient daily energy posture is maintained.
The District maintains accurate records of energy consumption and energy costs.
The District maintains and monitors its facilities and systems, including HVAC, building envelope, and moisture management to maintain a safer and healthy learning environment.
The District is responsible for developing short and long range strategies in the areas of facilities management and preventive maintenance.