Approval Date: February 25, 2014
Modified: September, 2024
This policy applies to all district administrators, licensed educators, staff members, students, organizations, volunteers, and individuals who initiate, authorize, or participate in fundraising events or activities for school-sponsored events; or receive, authorize, accept, value, or record donations, gifts, or sponsorships for the District or individual schools. It is expected that in all dealings, district and school employees will act ethically, consistent with the district’s ethics training, the Utah Educators’ Standards (R277-515), the Public Officers’ and Employees’ Ethics Act (Utah Code 67-16-1 et seq.), and State Procurement Law (Utah Code' 63G-6a-101 et. seq.)
The Logan Schools Foundation (the “Foundation”) is an entity established to receive donations and gifts for the benefit of the District and the district’s schools. Any organization or individual wishing to donate cash, materials, equipment, other property, or programs to a school is encouraged to make such donations through the Foundation.
“Public funds” are defined as money, funds, and accounts, regardless of the source from which the funds are derived, that are owned, held, or administered by the state or any of its political subdivisions, including districts or other public bodies.
“School-sponsored” means activities, fundraising events, clubs, camps, clinics, or other events or activities that are either authorized by the District or individual school(s) or that satisfy one or more of the following criteria. The activity:
Utah Admin. Rules R277-113-2(15) (June 22, 2018)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-113-7(3) (June 22, 2018)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-2(11) (April 8, 2019)
“Student fundraising” means an activity or event provided, sponsored, or supported by a school that uses students to generate funds to provide financial support to a school or any of the school’s classes, groups, teams, or programs or to benefit a particular charity or for other charitable purposes. It may include the sale of goods or services, the solicitation of monetary contributions from individuals or businesses, or other lawful means or methods that utilize students to generate funds.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-2(4) (April 8, 2019)
A “student individual fundraiser” is student fundraising where money is raised by an individual student to pay the individual student’s fees.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-2(6) (April 8, 2019)
A “student group fundraiser” is student fundraising where the money raised is used for the mutual benefit of the group, team, or organization.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-2(5) (April 8, 2019)
All funds, property, or goods donated or collected through fundraising activities become public funds and the property of the District and should be used for the purpose for which they were donated and in accordance with state law and district policies.
Donations, whether in-kind, cash, or otherwise, shall be complete transfers of ownership, rights, privileges, and/or title in or to the donated goods or services and become exclusive property of the District upon delivery.
The District and/or individual schools are ultimately responsible for the expenditure and allocation of all monies collected and expended through student, school organized fundraising.
The District recognizes that fundraising efforts, donations, gifts, sponsorships, and public support vary among schools.
The District is committed to appropriate distribution of unrestricted funds and the management of donations and gifts to ensure that the educational opportunities for all students are equal and fair.
The District shall not accept a donation that would create a significant inequity among the schools in the District.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-7(5) (April 8, 2019)
The District is committed to principles of gender equity and compliance with Title IX guidance.
The District commits to use all facilities, unrestricted donations and gifts, and other available funds in harmony with these principles.
The District reserves the right to decline or restrict donations, gifts, and fundraising proceeds, including those that might result in gender inequity or a violation of Title IX.
The benefits derived from donations and gifts should be equitable for all students, comply with Title IX, and be in harmony with Article X of the Utah Constitution.
Fundraising is permitted within the District to allow the District and schools to raise additional funds to supplement school-sponsored academic and co-curricular programs, as specified in this policy and in accordance with state law and regulations.
The District may, through its Foundation, raise money to offset the cost to the District attributed to fee waivers.
Fundraising activities should not be approved which involve high-pressure sales tactics, yield profits in excess of usual wholesale margins to suppliers of goods sold, would expose students and other participants in the fund-raising activity to risk of personal injury, would expose the school and/or District to risk of financial loss if the fund raising activity is not successful, or would violate law or district policies.
The District and/or individual schools will comply with all applicable state and federal laws; the state procurement code (Utah Code 63G-6a); State Board of Education rules, including construction and improvements; IRS Publication 526 “Charitable Contributions”; and other applicable IRS regulations.
District employees may not direct operating expenditures to outside funding sources to avoid District procurement rules (operating expenditures include equipment, uniforms, salaries or stipends, improvements or maintenance for facilities, etc.).
District employees must comply with District procurement policies and procedures, including complying with obtaining competitive quotes and avoiding bid splitting.
The collection of money or assets associated with fundraising activities for schoolsponsored activities, donations, gifts, or sponsorships will comply with the district cashreceipting policies. The expenditure of any public funds associated with fundraising activities for school-sponsored activities, donations, gifts, or sponsorships will comply with the district cash disbursement policies.
Donations and gifts should be accounted for at an individual contribution level.
Donations, gifts, and sponsorships shall be directed to the District, district program(s), schools, or school program(s). Donations, gifts, and sponsorships shall not be directed at specific district employees, individual students, vendors, or brand name goods or services.
Donated funds shall not compensate district employees, directly or indirectly.
Donations and gifts over $250 will be provided with an acknowledgment of the contribution from the District for IRS purposes. The acknowledgment will be in the form of a receipt issued by the Foundation. If donations or gifts are offered in exchange for advertising or other services, a charitable receipt will be issued by the Foundation.
Donations will not be solicited or accepted in lieu of a fee from a student or parent unless the activity, class, or program for which the donation is solicited will otherwise (without the donation) be fully funded by the District and receipt of the donation will not affect participation by an individual student.
Donations or gifts shall not be accepted that advertise or depict products that are prohibited by law for sale or use by minors, such as alcohol, tobacco, or other substances that are known to endanger the health and well-being of students; or, in the opinion of the District, may cause a substantial disruption to the education environment.
As required by state law, donations will only be accepted where there is no expectation or promise, expressed or implied, of remuneration or any undue influence or special consideration.
District employees are not permitted to accept personal payment or gratuities in any form from a vendor or potential vendor as a precondition for purchase of any product or service.
Gifts to specific school programs of equipment, such as computers and audio-visual equipment, must be approved in advance to assure that the District is not compelled by a gift to undertake expenses in support of the donated equipment or make other management decisions in order to use the gift, such as allocating space to donated equipment, that the District deems to be unwise.
The District provides funds for specific educational functions on an equitable basis; therefore, no fundraising effort (school partnership) will be approved that would generate funds for the following categories:
Utah Admin. Rules R277-113-6(2)(c), (d) (December 11, 2023)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-7(July 11, 2023)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-7(5) (July 11, 2023)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-7(1)(a) (July 11, 2023)
Fees for school-sponsored activities are governed by Policy FI.
Properly approved school-sponsored activities may:
All fees for school-sponsored activities must be properly established according to Policy FI. The District may be responsible for providing student transportation for these activities.
Principals, consistent with district policy, have the responsibility to waive fees, if appropriate. Individual teachers, coaches, advisors, etc. do not have the authority to waive fees.
Annually, each district department or program, and individual school will review all planned camps, clinics, activities, and fundraising activities and determine those designated as school-sponsored.
Authorization and supervision of fundraising for school-sponsored activities:
Students may be allowed to participate in optional student individual fundraising activities to raise money to offset the cost of the student’s fees. However, they may not be required to do so. Required student individual fundraising activities are not allowed for any purpose. Funds raised in student individual fundraising activities are included in the total maximum fee amounts allowed in a year.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-6(3)(c) (April 8, 2019)
Utah Admin. Rules R477-407-10(2) (April 8, 2019)
Student group fundraising activities are permitted if approved and conducted according to the requirements of this policy.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-10(2)(c) (April 8, 2019)
All fundraising projects, donations, or gifts for construction, maintenance, facilities renovation or improvement, and other capital equipment purchases must be approved in writing by the Business Administrator, the Superintendent, and reported to the Board of Education.
Capital donations of $50,000 or more must be approved by the Board of Education.
Prior to the initiation of a large capital drive or specific fundraising drive, the following will be provided to the Business Administrator for evaluation and recommendation to the Superintendent:
The Superintendent will make a recommendation to the Board of Education. The Board reserves the right to tentatively approve plans, pending fundraising, donations, equity, or other conditions.
All physical facilities are owned and operated by the District. No part of any school facility or capital equipment may be named for a donor without the express written consent of the Board of Education.
The District shall only grant naming opportunities that are consistent with the mission and educational objectives of the District. Decisions regarding naming opportunities are within the sole discretion of the Board of Education.
To avoid disruption of students’ instructional activities, schools shall not be used for distribution of partisan, religious, or commercial advertisements, fliers, bulletins, newspapers, etc.; nor shall such items be placed on vehicles parked on school grounds. If an individual business offers to provide presentations or materials for students (i.e. a local investing firm offers class presentations on standard investing practices) those materials must be reviewed by the building administration before the presentation can be approved to ensure they are primarily instructional materials instead of advertising.
Requests for the distribution of fliers will be submitted to the District Communication Specialist for review and approval. All approved fliers will be distributed electronically.
Students and employees of the District, including teachers and administrators, shall not act as agents for commercial entities during school hours or contract time.
See R277-107 for specific direction.
Cash Donations: Cash donations are welcomed and may be accepted from private individuals, companies, organizations, clubs, foundations, and other appropriate entities.
All cash donations will be received in compliance with the District’s cash receipting policies.
Cash donations may be used to fund or enhance programs, facilities, equipment, supplies, services, etc.
Cash donations may not be used to hire regular classroom teachers or administrators, thereby altering the staffing ratios.
Classroom assistants, coaching assistants, or specialists of any kind, including individuals who may hold educator licenses, may be hired using the funds received.
The District or school administration reserves the right to decline or restrict these types of donations if they:
Cash donations shall not be used to augment an employee’s remuneration beyond the remuneration associated with the salary schedule of the employee’s position.
Products: The District or individual schools may accept donated products which carry the donor company’s name, trademark, logo, or limited advertising on the product (e.g., cups, T-shirts, hats, instructional materials, furniture, office equipment, etc.). These items shall be valued at fair market value at the time of the contribution. If advertising or other services are offered in exchange for the donation or gift, this may alter the contribution amount.
Equipment, Supplies or Goods: The District or individual schools may accept donated equipment, supplies, or goods for use in the District or individual schools or school programs. These items shall be valued at the fair market value at the time of the contribution. If advertising or other services are offered in exchange for the donation or gift, this may alter the valuation amount.
Donor and Business Partner Recognition: Donor and business partner recognitions may be placed on equipment, furniture, and other donated gifts that are not considered capital or fixed assets. Non-permanent recognitions may be placed on district buildings or structures with written approval from the Superintendent. The Board may grant approval for the naming of buildings, structures, rooms, or other district facilities; (see “Capital Fundraising” above). Principals may authorize banners, flyers, posters, signs, or other notices recognizing a donor or school business partner. Such materials shall feature the school-business partnership and not promote or endorse the business named.
Donations, gifts, and sponsorships valued at more than $250 must be received by the Foundation office and a receipt for charitable contribution purposes will be issued to the donor. The District will not certify the value of property or an in-kind donation, but will issue a receipt for the donation.
Approval levels are as follows:
The District reserves the right to prohibit, restrict or limit any fundraising activities associated with the District or individual schools. Faculty and student participation in fundraising activities is typically voluntary. However, employees may be asked to supervise specific activities as an employment assignment.
Participation in fundraising shall not affect a student’s grade. Students shall not be required to participate in fundraising activities as a condition of participating in an activity or of belonging to a team, club or group, nor shall a student’s fundraising effort affect his or her participation time or standing on any team, club or group.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-10(2)(d) (April 8, 2019)
Competitive enticements for participation in fundraisers are discouraged. If prizes or rewards are offered by a selected fundraising vendor, they should only be awarded to groups, classes or students, and must be disclosed and approved prior to the fundraiser. Rewards, prizes, commissions, or other direct or indirect compensation shall not be received by any teacher, activity, club or group director, or any other District employee or volunteer.
Schools may not impose a sales quota (or the like) as part of fundraising efforts, and students or parents shall not be required to pay for any unsold items or pay for goals not met.
Door-to-door sales are prohibited for all students in elementary and middle schools. High school students may participate in one door-to-door campaign per sport, club, or group per year. Suitable procedures must be used by the schools, administrators and supervising faculty to safeguard students and funds collected. Procedures must be clearly communicated to parents.
All schools may participate annually in the following fundraisers:
Should a compelling need arise to conduct an additional fundraiser, approval must be obtained from the principal and the Superintendent or designee.
High school clubs and athletic teams may additionally participate in one team fundraiser each school year.
All school-based fundraisers that include the sale of food must comply with the regulations of USBE Board Rule R277-719-5
Approval may be denied for fundraising activities that would expose the school or District to risk of financial loss or liability if the activity is not successful.
Fundraising activities shall be age appropriate and shall maintain the highest standards of ethical responsibility and integrity.
Fundraising revenues should be accounted for at an individual contribution level or participation level. Participation logs should be retained and turned into the accounting office to be included with the deposit detail.
Employees who approve, manage, or oversee fundraising activities are required to disclose if they have a financial or controlling interest or access to bank accounts in a fundraising organization or company.
Records of all fundraising efforts shall be open to the parents, students, and donors, including accurate reporting on participation levels and financial outcomes. This policy does not require the release of students’ personally identifiable information protected by FERPA.
Funds must be collected, receipted, and expended directly through District, Foundation, or school accounts in accordance with standard accounting procedures. Use of fundraising platforms for crowdfunding or payment service platforms (e.g., GoFundMe, Kickstarter, Venmo) is prohibited unless approved by the Foundation Director. To utilize the Foundation Venmo program, employees shall coordinate their fundraising efforts with the Foundation Director.