After School Club Director: Jed Grunig - 435-755-2300, ext. 1010
Administrative Assistant: Ashlee Zilles - 435-755-2300, ext. 1010
Adams, Bridger, Ellis, Wilson, Woodruff (2:05-5:30)
Hillcrest (1:55 - 5:30)
There will not be After School Club on half days of school.
Please arrange for your child to be picked up ON TIME.
What happens at ASC?
Learning Center: Homework help, reading, and educational activities/games.
Enrichment/Clubs: Arts, crafts, cooking, science, music, character development, tobacco awareness, field trips, service projects, and guest speakers.
Recreation Center: Team sports, active and passive games, and free choice activities.
ASC Session Dates:
ASC Session 1: Sept 5 - Dec 19, 2023
ASC Session 2: Jan 2 - May 3, 2024
After School Club Rules:
Children are required to follow the set “Participant Guidelines.” Rules will be reviewed with the children each day. Children not following the guidelines may be sent home or suspended from the program with no refund. Please see the behavior policy.
If you have a need to reach the ASC staff during ASC hours, please call 435-755-2399.
Adams ASC - 435-755-2399 ext. 2013
Ellis ASC - 435-755-2399 ext. 3106
Bridger ASC - 435-755-2399 ext.2516
Hillcrest ASC - 435-755-2399 ext. 3639
Wilson ASC - 435-755-2399 ext.4015
Woodruff ASC - 435-755-2399 ext. 4513